Monday, December 26, 2016

A Season—and Life—of Hope

            Since though most of us are still hung over from too many sugary Christmas cookies, eggnog, gingerbread, and fruitcake, I’ll keep today’s post short.

            Hope. It’s the season of it. The Advent lights have been lit, the biggest gift-giving day of the year has gone down in another year of history, and we wonder what’s in store for us in 2017. But we don’t have to stress over it too much, because we move and look forward in hope. The confident assurance that God’s promises—like Christmas—will come true.       

Remember what we’ve learned this month:

1. There’s hope for the world because Jesus is returning.

2. There’s always hope in the world because Jesus is always with us. He promised to never leave or forsake us. And He always keeps His promises.

3. There’s hope beyond this world, because the resurrected Jesus will return to come to take us home.

As my pastor says, “You can never separate Jesus from the baby, the cross, and the crown.”

Hope. You cannot live without it.

Hope. The best Christmas present anyone has ever received!


Join me next Monday when I’ll give you some great tips for a prosperous New Year. And, no, they don’t involve making a list of resolutions!

So, until Monday, may your week be full of blessings that you receive and give, your heart be full of joy and thankfulness, and your days be filled with laughter. Build a little heaven in your life right now, and watch your heavenly garden grow!



When the eyes of the soul looking out meet the eyes of God looking in, heaven has begun right here on earth. ~ A. W. Tozer

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