Monday, June 26, 2017

In Need of a Prayer (just the right one)?

DO YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF in need of a specific prayer, for a specific need, and you just can’t seem to put what seem to be the right words together? If so, then check out my friend and Guideposts contributing editor Karen Barber’s website: She’s also the Founding Director of Prayer Igniters International, the creator of Personal Prayer Power video/study series, and the author of Surprised by Prayer, the book I mentioned in my last post.
            It’s a nonprofit organization she started that offers advice on how to pray and has prayers for all kinds of life situations. They also offer helpful articles about prayer and praying written by Christians from a number of denominations. Karen says, “Our most popular article is final exam prayer with Bible verses and our second most popular is prayer for adult children with problems.
            You’ll find current, themed prayers as well as:

~ Standing in the Gap in Prayer (more great advice for intercessory prayer)
~ Praying for Direction (always a big concern)
~ Developing Your Prayer Life (a must if you want a deeper, more personal relationship with Jesus
~ Praying Scriptures (In my personal prayer experience, I have found this to be one of THE most effective and satisfying ways to pray!)
~ Prayer to Accept Jesus (If you’re already a follower of His, this will give you another witnessing tool.)

            Some of the recent articles include how to get back into a prayer life when you haven’t recently prayed to God, using prayer art meditation to connect with God, using Christian reflection meditation in nature to receive insights from God, and praying for healing, strength, guidance and relief when you’re suffering from a chronic health condition. Undoubtedly, you will find a nugget on her site to enrich and expand your prayers and spiritual life.
           In my humble opinion, I don’t think you can pray enough, and I don’t think we do pray enough! The Apostle Paul tells us to pray without ceasing, as in—all of the time! Now does that mean we’re to always pray aloud? No. Jesus does tell us to go into our prayer closets when we pray, so we’re not out in public trying to impress others with our righteousness. But we do need to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Father that can only be accomplished through ongoing fellowship with Him. And that fellowship is found in prayer and gathering together with other believers, frequently.

Do you have any “special” way to pray that really helps you draw closer to God? Please share your ideas!

Until next week (Music Monday!),

May you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2).

Photos by Google Images

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