Monday, July 10, 2017

What’s God Saying to You—and What Are You Going to Do About It?

            WHAT’S GOD SAYING TO YOU? Do you know? Do you spend enough time with Him to be able to hear His voice, know when it’s Him talking and not your own internal voice or the world’s?
            Once you’ve determined that it really is God speaking to your heart, you need to ask yourself the next question: What am I going to do about it? Maybe your answer is “nothing” because you don’t like what God’s telling you to do. Or maybe it’s “gee, I’d love to God, but I’m terrified,” or “I don’t have enough faith in myself, so how am I going to do that?” Scripture is loaded with people who answered in all of these ways. But for today, let’s get back to the basics of just asking ourselves: What is God saying to me? That’s a great place to start.

            Using the passage in Deuteronomy 10, verses 12-22, we see that Moses asks that very question of God’s people. It’s a section referred to as “The Essence of the Law.” It’s the soul or spirit of the relationship God’s people should have with Him. It begins: “And now Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you?” The same question God asked thousands of years ago, He’s still asking. So it’s just a pertinent today as it was then.
            After he asks the question, Moses provides a cheat sheet so there is absolutely no question about the correct answers. You’ll need to read all of verses 12 and 13 to get the answers, but here they are in list form:

1. To fear the LORD your God.
2. To walk in all His ways.
3. To love Him.
4. To serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
5. To keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD, which are for our good.

            While the first directive focuses on an attitude, the next four shift that attitude into action. Our attitude toward and about God drives us to, and needs to be reflected by walking, loving, serving, and keeping.  It’s like the Ten Commandments in a nutshell, which start out with what our attitude toward God should be and then works out from there. Even Jesus narrowed it down to two things to remember: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and then your neighbor as yourself.

            Dr. Paul Tripp, pastor, author and speaker, does a great job of summarizing and defining these in his July 5 “Wednesday’s Word” blog post. I’ll summarize Dr. Tripp’s definitions.

Fear—an awareness of who God is and who we are in relationship to Him;

Love—knowing who you love more than anything else and how that drives your behavior;

Act—God-focused, functional living. As in working out your fear and love in practical, 
          daily actions. What psychologist Dr. Randy Carlson calls intentional living.

           You’ll want to click through and give Dr. Tripp’s post a read. It’s short, to the point, and he follows it up with 3 great Reflection Questions that will keep you thinking all week. I was definitely convicted by a couple of them.

Until next week!

May your fear and love of God move you into more areas of walking, loving, serving and keeping!

May you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2).

Photo by Google Images

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