Monday, October 9, 2017

Having Peace in a Peace-less World

            IS IT JUST ME, or does the state of the world seem to be deteriorating? It seems as though chaos is overtaking sanity in every corner of the globe—in regions, countries, states, cities, towns and homes. I’ve gotten to a point where I’ve found the daily world and national news so stomach heaving that I can’t read or watch it anymore. The local news is only a smidgen better, but I suspect it won’t be long until I disengage from that, too. It seems peace remains forever elusive. 

            So just how are we supposed to experience peace amidst this chaos? Is it a futile goal?
            The Bible tells us that it is not a futile hope, that we can grab hold of it, in spite of the conflict swirling around us. God encourages us to look forward to it in the future. What we need to do, though, is properly define true peace. Is it simply a cessation of wars and turmoil? Or is it something deeper, more lasting and effectual?


            David Brickner, the executive director of Jews for Jesus wrote about this subject in the organization’s September newsletter. Here’s part of his editorial:

            “Peace is not merely an absence of conflict. The Hebrew word shalom conveys the idea of complete, sound, wholeness of life, harmony, right relationship. Ultimately these things come only from the Creator of all things. Our Maker. As believers in Jesus, we know that intellectually, but do we know it deep in our hearts?

            “In order to have world peace, first we need peace between parties where it was originally broken. The story of shattered peace began long before nations started to war against one another. In Genesis 3, we see how people became alienated from God and one another. It happened when Eve and Adam made a grab for what belonged to God, trying to gain wisdom apart from their Maker, wanting to become masters of their own destiny. In one act of distrust and disobedience they, and subsequently we, tore themselves away from the only true Giver of life.

            “The Psalmist cries out, ‘Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves’ (Psalm 100:3). Yet there’s not a person alive who doesn’t think, say and do things that show we do not know that God is God. We continually try to take His place in our attempts at sovereignty. It’s spiritual insanity.”

           Have you ever thought of your actions as spiritual insanity? I know most of us tell ourselves we’re good people, and we’re just trying to do our best. But honestly, that’s not always true, and sometimes it rarely is. Can we really expect anything else but detours and halting steps from our puny, human selves? Jesus pointed out that we can do nothing (and nothing means nothing) without Him; and that it’s hard to kick against the goad. When you keep trying to kick against God and His rules (remember: God’s kingdom, His rules) you get really bloodied toes.

            Then Brickner goes on to state the heart of the issue: “In breaking our peace with God, we became broken. Because we are broken, we lack peace within ourselves…and so we are incapable of making lasting peace with one another.”

            We have broken our peace with God.
            Because we are broken, we lack internal peace.
            Because we lack internal peace, we’re incapable of enjoying lasting peace with others.

            Sounds pretty depressing and hopeless. And it would be, if it weren’t for one wonderful, game-changing fact—that the Prince of Peace himself entered the world for the purpose of reconciling man to God. For paying the broken relationship debt and wiping it out. Once and for all. There is absolutely nothing—NOTHING—any of us could do or can do in our own power now to restore that broken relationship. And the sweet news is that we don’t need to try, because Jesus paid it all. It is He who gives us internal peace in the face of turbulence, in the midst of a shattered, hurting world.

            God took care of this peace problem through His son Jesus. The only way for us to enjoy that restoration peace is through faith in Jesus. No other way. Running around doing good works won’t do it. Praying a certain number of times a day facing a specific direction won’t do it. Nor will belonging to a certain group, praying a certain way, following a specific man-made ritual. It was a done deal over 2,000 years ago. It’s the only way to peace. God said it was so. And since it’s His kingdom, He gets to make the rules. We can’t alter them, climb over them, or skirt around them because it’s more comfortable for us. Ignoring them and pleading ignorance won’t work either.


            Brickner reminds us that peace is a component of the fruit of thee Holy Spirit. It’s a renewable resource, but only if you have the power of the Holy Spirit within you that can keep refilling you. Brickner recounts a story of the famous preacher Dwight L Moody who was asked by some believers why he continually pressed Christians to be refilled over and over again with the Spirit. Moody’s answer? “Well, I need a continual refilling because I leak!” Ever feel that way? Like a leaky pot?
            The analogy works for me because about every third day this time of year in the hot, dry Southwest I have to go outside and refill my potted plants with water. Enough water to saturate the soil. I know I’ve squirted in enough water when I see it dribbling out the pot’s hole in the bottom. But when I don’t faithfully re-water (if there’s been no rain, which is likely), I’ll look outside and see limp or shriveled up plants. Like some believers. Oh, they’re saved, but they’re spiritually parched. And they don’t know why. They don’t have peace in their hearts. They’re in emotional and spiritual turmoil. Everything they had in their soul container has leaked out. They need a refilling.
            You fill, pour out and refill and pour out some more, and go through the process all over again. That’s what prayer closet and retreat times are for. You can’t get by effectively without them.

            We need to constantly remind ourselves of this fact: Until Jesus returns and puts an end to it, there will always be trouble in the world. And because of that, even though we need to continually pray for peace, we first need to remember that trouble will be on-going, and in order to enjoy perfect internal peace in the midst of that trouble (which Jesus says we can possess!), we need to start looking no further than our own hearts. We need to look no further than Him.
            And there’s something else we need to remember. Scripture tells us how the world’s talk of peace can give us a false sense of security. The Apostle Paul reminds us that when people are talking about peace and security and all is looking well in the world is when we’re going to get blindsided by swift destruction. A pretty sobering reality.
            So why not enjoy emotional and spiritual peace now, in the midst of the storm? Reap the benefits of it before the false, temporary peace shows up? Possess it, enjoy, share it, and tell others how to have it.

            While external conflict is raging around the world, internal conflict—that which lies within your heart and soul—can be snuffed out and replaced by the kind of peace that really does surpass all rational understanding or explanation.
            It is the peace given by the Creator. Who better to receive it from than the One who invented it to begin with and uses it as a title?

Until next week.

May you prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2).

Photos courtesy of Google Images and Andrea A. Owan       

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